

 A practitioner of Buddhism anchored on humanity, Sandra embarked on this book to fulfill the mission of her late husband Martin. Through her words, she hopes to encourage and inspire everyone, and help them unveil the source of strength and wisdom within them.

As described by Martin, “She lit up my life like the stars and my life bloomed with her beauty. I felt her warmth in her strength and resilience in the darkest hours, never once losing hope. She is my SUN, and the star of my galaxy.”


Martin’s future was glistening with happiness and opportunities, until he was diagnosed with Machado Joseph Disease, an incurable genetic degenerative disorder. Fear, pain, anger, exasperation and even suicidal thoughts took over his rational mind. Yet despite the tears and heart wrenching frustration which would push anyone to the brink of breakdown, one woman adamantly fought alongside him to battle against all odds right till the very end.

When conditional love transcends into unconditional love, a legacy of victory is sealed. Uncover a true story about an extraordinary journey of two ordinary people who proved that the power of faith and the tenacity of the human spirit can turn the impossible possible. And how the answer lies in two very simple words: love and compassion.


于2009年4月13日与世长辞的新加坡职业数码画家司徒国华在风华正茂时,被诊断出患有马查多•约瑟夫病 (Machodo Joseph Disease)。由于这种疾病严重地影响患者的行动、说话、甚至吞咽的能力,32岁的国华从2001年起便开始与轮椅相伴度日。疾病所带来的折磨、痛苦、恐惧、担忧、困境、悲痛、迷惘,让国华一度想以自杀来结束痛不欲生的生命。

通过国华真实的奋斗故事,这本书让我们见证了他是如何凭着信心、信念和坚韧不拔的毅力,于2005年学会利用电脑作画, 并在短短的三年里,不向厄运低头、不向病魔妥协,呕心沥血地创造出超过160幅优美画作,缔造了前所未有的佳绩!能成就无法做到的事、能将无助的宿命转为胜利传奇的一生,其密码就在我们生命里最美、最具智慧并赋予我们无穷力量的爱与慈!

Contact us via email or WhatsApp for further enquiries


WhatsApp: +65 9354 7213



“Dear Sandra, having read Love and Compassion, I can comprehend perhaps 1% of the sufferings, love and compassion of Martin, his friends, and his lovely wife and family. I am joyous that Martin has attained Buddhahood in life and in death. I find your strength to perserve through these years with Martin, as a beacon of determination, love and compassion for those that read your book……..”
Andy Gan

“This is a book that talks about “never giving up”! I bought 10 copies and shared with my friends to encourage them……”
Lay Hong

“Hi Sandra, I was deeply impressed wih Martin’s works. It is truly the best testimony to convey his works through your sharing in the book. You have my profound admiration in fufilling Martin’s final wishes….”

“Sandra, thank you for writing this book. It really touches my heart.
It is a book worth reading many times……”

“Dear Sandra, I love to read and this is one of the best book I have ever read before. Once I picked up the book, I couldn’t stop reading it. The struggles you went through amazed and inspired me. It also help me to strengthen my faith and encouraged me at a time when I really need it. I believe this is what Martin and you wished for, for the art and the book to encourage others. I sincerely thank you for your efforts to put this together.”



Shirley Tan

G. Kuna

Sheena Teo